Ethiopia: Specifics of the Ethiopian bivouacking
Man is a man when on the road, and somewhere in Ethiopia I turned my third human year and started the fourth. With no cake but very little ice cream we celebrate Teddy's “first steps”, and the country was an ideal place to unleash a whole arsenal of skills and instincts, picked up and practiced on the dusty roads. There was almost no preparation, and in addition to the very precise topographic maps from 1979 we had flight tickets, broken piggy bank and 3-month multiple entry visa.
I do not remember when this idea was born. I looked up the catalogue (terrible word in the context of nature) and the search engine spat out three summits few kilometers east of Lenin peak (7134 m) - slightly lower and completely deserted. The area was described by the last expedition, which wandered there about 5 years ago. Three Czechs tried to descend on ski from Kyzylagyn peak (6684 m), but went up to about 5000 m.
VolcaniadeJanuary – February 2008In the first days of 2008, a note1 appeared on my site. It said that the Llaima Volcano in Chile had erupted. Arriving in Colombia several days later, it became clear,...
Finally, I have reached the endless ocean, called India. But first, as an introduction to India, I am going to share my impression from the Himalayas. Here, you are not going to find anything about Hinduism, magicians, saris, elephants, the Gang River, or anything else, that is typical for the plains. That is because the mountain peoples around the Globe are rather a common group of people, than a part of any other.